3 XFCE Themes That Make It Look Like A Hacker GUI!
Some tech-genre movies that are performing a hacking scene, usually, show a cool computer GUI. Usually, the design and layout of the computer display is very simple and consists of only a few colors. On xfce-look.org's site, I see some cool themes that look like the hackers theme in the movie series.
This is a list of xfce themes, to make your Computer look like hackers: v
1. Alien-COM
This theme was inspired from the game XCOM 2 which is currently also used by me. available 2 colors that you can choose, that is blue or red color. And right now, I use blue in combination with xfce-dusk (slightly modified). See the picture below:
This is a list of xfce themes, to make your Computer look like hackers: v
1. Alien-COM
This theme was inspired from the game XCOM 2 which is currently also used by me. available 2 colors that you can choose, that is blue or red color. And right now, I use blue in combination with xfce-dusk (slightly modified). See the picture below:
for those of you who are fans of The Matrix, may have seen the look of this theme. This theme is inspired from The Matrix and is available for the XFCE desktop environment. In my experience, the setting of this theme is a bit complicated. But when you can change it according to the manufacturer's description, it will look really cool.
3. Kolomonggo hacking theme-2
This theme looks minimalist with a blend of some green and black colors. Also Looks light and suitable for you who don't like the combination of GUI with many colors.
To install these themes, you can see in the readme or description that has been written by the author. What do you think? Are you interested to trying it?
To install these themes, you can see in the readme or description that has been written by the author. What do you think? Are you interested to trying it?