Cool Browser For Linux Besides Firefox And Chrome!
In the development of computer technology, there are various kinds of browsers released by developers with their own advantages. It makes the users have a lot of browser options that can be used. Browsers like Firefox and Chrome are favorite applications that are often used by users. In fact, there are many others that you can try.
In addition to Firefox and Chrome, the points below are a list of cool free browsers that you can install on Linux!
1. Chromium
Chromium is an open-source browser project. This browser is similar to Google Chrome with a logo that has a different color. For Linux users, Chromium is quite popular as an alternative to Google Chrome.
Many articles write about the differences between these two browsers. One of them is a post from fossbytes. But to feel it more clearly, you can install both and feel the difference.
2. Opera
Opera is one of the successful browsers that compete with others. many cool features are available when you use Opera like: Speed Dial, blocking native ads, data saving, and more.
Opera can be said to be successful as well in competing with other browsers on Mobile devices. One of the featured browsers is Opera Mini, which is my favorite browser from when J2ME mobile java is still popular.
3. Vivaldi
Vivaldi is a new player in the browser competition. Besides having a cool look, Vivaldi also has some unique features that you can try like:
- Mouse Gesture
- Side by side browsing
- Quick command- Note
- Tab stacking
4. Midori
If you want a fast and lightweight browser, you can try Midori. Midori is available for various distro such as Ubuntu, Mint, Open Suse, Fedora and others.
For those of you who are users of the Slitaz distribution, you will definitely find this browser as the default browser from the distribution. Midori has several features such as fast rendering, custom display, and html5 support.
I saw on its official website, the last released Midori is version 0.5.11 in 2015, and until now it hasn't been updated yet.
5. Text-Based web browser
For those of you who are interested in browsing only with text mode, you can try some text-based browser recommendations that you can run in terminal and Linux text modes in the article about "How to browse the internet via Linux Terminal".
Image by pixabay