List of Applications To Run Java Mobile Apps!
In 2004, mobile phone technology is growing, at that time, many manufacturers are introducing phones that can run J2ME java applications. Java mobile apps had time to survive, until finally, fame and function replaced by a smartphone.
The existence of mobile devices that use java mobile is declining, when android is introduced to the public, and get good response by society. At its peak when Samsung, which in the era of mobile java is less able to compete with other brands, became famous with android smartphone devices that they release
For those of you who want to reminisce with applications on java mobile, actually you can still run it via PC or smartphone device. Some of the applications below you can try to run a mobile java file (.jar).
This application can run on all operating systems, but before you can run MicroEmulator, the user must install Java JDK Runtime because the format available in this application is .jar. I often use this app to open java mobile games online that still support java devices such as Knight age online games, etc.
2. Kemulator
I've tried run Kemulator using wine on linux, but it is not running. This application I've used in the windows operating system to open old school applications like opera mini java version, and other java applications.
This application can be installed on an Android device and developed open source. You can also follow the progress of the J2ME Loader on Github, or try to install via Google Play
Just like J2me Loader, PhoneMe is an android app used to run java mobille files. This application requires a slightly complicated setting to be able to run mobile java files. so it's less practical for those who do not really understand how to use it.
Actually, there are some other apps that have similar functionality, and what I wrote on the above pint is a good enough recommendation to be able to run java mobile files. May be useful.
image by pixabay