Grub customizer is an application created to facilitate the user in managing various purposes related to GRUB2. This application runs very light and has a small size. However, there are many things we can do using the Grub Customizer application.
Some of the points below are the functions and benefits you that get when using Grub Customizer!
- Setting GRUB to be easier, because this application provides various menus using the GUI display.
- Can be used to create other boot menu entry and feels easier. For example when I install Phoenix OS and Android-x86, I use this application to create a boot menu.
- It is easier to edit the appearance of background, image, font, and color when on GRUB. I've also written an article on how to edit GRUB background using Grub Customizer.
- You can change the default entry priority when entering GRUB view, using this app!
- Edit the default countdown from the Linux distribution. For example, as Ubuntu previously used a countdown of a few seconds, we can shorten it to just 2-3 seconds by setting it on the Grub Customizer.
- Have Kernel Parameter menu. In this case it can be used, for example to setting the brightness parameter of ubuntu which sometimes does not want to work.
- In the Advanced settings, changing the grub setting is easy, in addition to changing the value, we can also check/uncheck the settings. However, this setting is for users who understand about grub, so for those of you who don't quite understand, it is better not to change any setting if not needed.
To install it, you can read my article about how to install Grub Customizer. May be useful.