What Should I Do When I Get An Error On Linux?

What Should I Do When I Get An Error On Linux?

Today, many Linux-based operating systems are becoming more user friendly. Linux-based Operating Systems are usually developed by various communities and companies.

I am a user of Linux distributions. And based on experience, sometimes there are things that make a Linux-based operating system experience errors. This may also often be experienced by new Linux users.

But don't panic! Because every problem is usually also discussed in various blogs/web. So, users who find the same error as in the discussion can handle it easily.

So, what to do when getting an error on the Linux operating system that we use?

1. Think calmly, and see the cause of the error

Error on Linux does have many causes, so please observe the error message and please search for the cause.

2. Please browse using keywords from errors that are happening on your Linux.

Usually, I often use the How To word to find a solution and discussion of the problems found in Linux.

3. Ask the forum

In my personal opinion, asking a forum can be a good solution, because we can get help from other users who may also have errors like the Linux we are using.

But, sometimes asking the forum is also less effective when the error from your Linux is a new problem or there is no right solution.

4. Reinstall

If the error you get on Linux has not found the right solution, the last option is reinstall the operating system. But in my opinion, reinstalling the operating system is something complicated, because it has to rearrange several configurations. So, before you do this step, try to find a solution for the error that you get!

Using Linux means you have to be prepared with all risks, including errors. I have written this in a post about Think About This Before Using Linux!. So, for those of you who have not used Linux, you can read the article first!

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