Easy Ways To Take Screenshots With a Delay on Xubuntu

This starts when I will do a screenshot of a picture for a tutorial. At that time, I wanted to explain the steps of a tutorial written through an image.

But when I tried screenshot of menu selection in an application using the usual Prnt Scrn button, Xubuntu did not respond to the command. So, I can't take pictures from the currently selected dropdown menu.

If you are experiencing the same thing, this post is one solution that will solve the problem. To take screenshots of a menu in the application, you can use 2 applications, namely:

1. Using the default screenshot application on Xubuntu (xfce4-screenshooter)


Using this screenshot application is very easy, the way is to open the application and set the delay before capturing. But, the disadvantage of this application is when shooting using delay, there is no display of countdown on the screen. So you have to think for yourself how much time is needed to take a screenshot of the specified menu image.

kazam screencaster screenshot menu

In addition to recording screen activity, kazam can also be used for taking screenshots properly and easily. The difference between using the default screenshots and Kazam is the process of taking screenshots. When you take a screenshot using kazam, you can see the countdown before the shooting process is done.