A Cool Linux Terminal Emulator Display Like In Sci-Fi Films!

Terminal is one of the important applications installed by default on most Linux distributions. This application is usually used to type a specific command on the computer for example to install an application, delete, or update the repository. There are many types of terminal emulator applications that you can choose. One of them is eDex-UI.

In accordance with the title that I wrote, we can install eDEX-UI to make the display of terminals from Ubuntu or other distributions interfaces like computers in scfi-fi films. This terminal emulator is created by someone with the username GitSquareds (Gabriel SAILLARD) and shared to Github.

In the information I read, eDex-UI was inspired by one of the computer interfaces in the Tron Legacy film that looks very futuristic. The appearance of this terminal emulator is very different in general.

Because, when running the application, you will see a fullscreen terminal display with various features such as displaying a file directory that adjusts to the terminal, IP address, a system monitor that displays RAM status and CPU Usage, Clock and others.

How to install eDex-UI on Ubuntu?

Very easy! you only need to download this application on GitSquared's github repository here. There are a number of terminal emulator platforms provided, if you are an Ubuntu user or other distro, please select eDex-UI Appimage. Adjust the architecture of your computer.

To install Appimage, we only need to check "Allow this file to run as program" in the Properties --> Permissions. And after that you can execute the application directly. Here is the display of eDex-UI on my Ubuntu.

Make A Terminal Display Of Linux Distros Like in Sci-Fi Films

In addition, you can change the appearance of the theme from eDex-UI with several themes available in the themes folder. To change the settings of the default theme, you can open the settings.json menu via eDex-UI.

What do you think? very interesting, right? May be useful and Enjoy!