How To Fix Some Field That Turns Black On Firefox When Changing Dark Themes on Xubuntu!
I am a Linux Distro user who uses the XFCE Desktop Environment. There are a few obstacles when I change the theme on the distro used.When opening a browser using Firefox, some of the text fields appear to be black as shown below.
I tried to find the cause. And apparently, this problem comes from gtk3, from the theme that I use. After that, I tried to delete gtk3 on the theme, and only used gtk2, it worked!
But, I still feel curious about the problems found, I tried to find a discussion on the Linux forum about the problem that I found. Apparently, there are some people who also post about the same problem in this forum!.
To make Firefox look normal again, even if we change the theme, please type about:config in the Firefox address bar, and add the string below!
This method successfully corrects a few display problems in the Firefox browser on Xubuntu that I use. Hopefully useful for those of you who also experience this. Enjoy!
I tried to find the cause. And apparently, this problem comes from gtk3, from the theme that I use. After that, I tried to delete gtk3 on the theme, and only used gtk2, it worked!
But, I still feel curious about the problems found, I tried to find a discussion on the Linux forum about the problem that I found. Apparently, there are some people who also post about the same problem in this forum!.
To make Firefox look normal again, even if we change the theme, please type about:config in the Firefox address bar, and add the string below!
widget.content.gtk-theme-overrideIn the "Value" column, please fill in the normal themes available on your computer, in this case I chose the Adwaita.
This method successfully corrects a few display problems in the Firefox browser on Xubuntu that I use. Hopefully useful for those of you who also experience this. Enjoy!