How To Fix Some Field That Turns Black On Firefox When Changing Dark Themes on Xubuntu!

I am a Linux Distro user who uses the XFCE Desktop Environment. There are a few obstacles when I change the theme on the distro used.When opening a browser using Firefox, some of the text fields appear to be black as shown below.

How To Fix Some Field That Turns Black On Firefox When Changing Dark Themes on Xubuntu!

I tried to find the cause. And apparently, this problem comes from gtk3, from the theme that I use. After that, I tried to delete gtk3 on the theme, and only used gtk2, it worked!

But, I still feel curious about the problems found, I tried to find a discussion on the Linux forum about the problem that I found. Apparently, there are some people who also post about the same problem in this forum!.

To make Firefox look normal again, even if we change the theme, please type about:config in the Firefox address bar, and add the string below!
In the "Value" column, please fill in the normal themes available on your computer, in this case I chose the Adwaita.
Fix Some Field That Turns Black On Firefox

This method successfully corrects a few display problems in the Firefox browser on Xubuntu that I use. Hopefully useful for those of you who also experience this. Enjoy!