Some Download Manager Software For Linux Distributions!

Some Download Manager Software For Linux Distributions!
Image by Pixabay
Do we need a Download Manager? The answer can be yes or no. Actually, in every browser we use has a Download Manager menu. But, sometimes some default download manager from a browser is not good enough to run the download process.

Some problems that are often experienced by users when downloading files using the default Download Manager on browser:

- Can't resume the file download process that stops. This is certainly very wasteful of time when we have to repeat the download process from scratch, especially if the file we download has a large enough size.

- Can't Running in Background. An example is when I'm using Firefox and downloading a file. When you want to close Firefox, a message will appear that Firefox is downloading the file. So, we have to wait for the process until it's finished and we can close the browser.

- Can't set download speed. Usually, the software download manager has a speed setting for the download process, even we as users can limit download speed. This is useful for those of us who are sharing connections with other users while downloading. But this feature is rarely found in the default Download Manager Browser.

Internet Download Manager is one software that is widely used by users to manage their downloads. But this software is not free, and only for Windows operating systems.

For that, I want to discuss some of the Open Source Download Managers that you can use on Ubuntu, or other distributions. Let's look at some Download Manager software that you can use on Linux!

uGet is a lightweight download manager software. This software is available for Linux, Android, BSD, and Windows. Although classified as lightweight software, uGet has many excellent features that will help you manage the downloads process.You can get it on the official website here. uGet is one of the great download manager software.

Persepolis is software that is developed with python, and is made for Linux, Windows, BSD, and Mac OS distributions. This software is a form of a GUI from aria2.
You can get Persepolis on the official site here. This software has a Copyleft license.

Xtreme Download Manager
If I observe, this software is similar to Internet Download Manager. The difference is, Xtreme Download Manager can be obtained directly on the official website for free.
I don't know whether this software is open source or not. Because the official site does not mention that this is open source software. But on the AlternativeTo, this software is in the open source category. You can go here to get the Xtreme Download Manager.

Is downloading something using  download manager legal?

In my opinion, everything depends on the user who uses it. Legal or not a file downloaded by a user, depends on the license in the file. If it's a pirated file, of course it's illegal. But if the user uses to download official files that are permitted by the copyright owner, this can be said to be legal.

As the operating system is open source like Linux distributions that are widely spread on the internet that we can download on the official site. Of course this is legal in accordance with the terms of use.

So legal or illegal is not in the software download manager, but on how you get it, how the file is distributed, and the license from the file. CMIIW.

Hopefully useful and ENJOY !.