Play Ascii Patrol Game in Linux Terminal!

Typing a command in the Linux terminal is one of the exciting things. We are like a king who is giving orders to his soldiers to do certain things. Terminal on Linux has many benefits when you understand the commands that exist. In addition to executing a command, we can play games at the terminal.

Playing games on the Linux terminal is one of entertainment. There are many Terminal-based games that you can play on the Linux terminal, one of which is Ascii Patroll. This game is inspired by the classic game "Moon Patrol", and we can run it on the CLI.
Play Ascii Patrol Game In Linux terminal!
Ascii Patrol Games On Linux Terminal
Although it is a Command Line game, Ascii Patrol looks full of color, and the objects contained in this game such as vehicles and enemy planes look detailed. In addition, the player can make his own avatar when playing, fill in the user name, and set the controller. Ascii Patrol is one of the command line games that has game music and sound effects.

To play this game on Ubuntu, you can install it on Linux via Snapstore or by typing this command:
sudo snap install ascii-patrol
And to run this game on terminal please type ascii-patrol.

This game also supports playing on Windows, FreeDOS, and Browsers (no need to install) and has the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. You can visit the site here or on Github. What do you think? Hopefully useful and ENJOY !.