How To Install Beautiful Desktop on Termux Android!
Termux is an Android application that you can use for various purposes in the Linux environment. We can install some Linux applications that run on the Command line just like running it on a Linux terminal.
So, in this section we are going to try to setup a desktop for Termux itself. OK Let's Get Started! ...
Some applications that need to be installed on Android:
You can install all the applications in the list above via the Google Play. For Termux, you can also install it via F-Droid. If all applications are installed, please open termux and install git with the command below:
pkg upgrade && pkg install git
Next, we are going to clone some Termux Desktop files from the Aditya Shakya Github Repository. Please clone Termux Desktop in the repository with the following command:
git clone --depth=1
If the process of downloading the file is complete, please re-open termux and type ls to see the contents of your termux directory. Look for the directory named "termux-desktop", and please move to that directory with the cd termux-desktop command.
If you are already in the termux-desktop directory, you will find the file. To install the required files we will run the file with the following command:
chmod +x (this command gives permission for this file( to be executed).
Next, let's install the application with the command:
./ --install
In this installation process, it may take some time for all the required applications to be installed. When the process is running, there are several configurations such as setting the VNC server password, which we will use for authentication when opening it in VNC Viewer. So please pay attention.
After everything is installed, you will see Termux change its appearance to be cooler. Please restart Termux and reopen it.