Some Cool and Free Android Launcher Apps Without Ads!

    Android smartphones on the market usually have their own default launcher. So, the appearance of a certain brand of smartphone will also be different, unless the smartphone uses the default stock android which looks still standard.
    I have several Chinese production smartphones, and most of them embed ads in their UI. Sometimes these ads are embedded in some of the default apps from smartphones. You can delete some default apps without root using adb.
    If you don't like the default launcher, you can replace it with a lighter or cooler launcher. However, many launchers on Google Play also include ads. And if you don't like launchers that embed ads, you can choose from some of the cool and opensource launchers below!.

1. Rootless Pixel Launcher

Best launcher no ads on android
Image credit: Amir Zaidi
This launcher has a look like the default android, and also like the appearance on google pixel. Very minimalistic and easy to set up. This launcher looks simple and lacks features. But Rootless Pixel is a lightweight launcher with a very good appearance. This launcher is also free of ads.
Get Rootless Pixel Launcher on F-droid!

2. Lawnchair

Best Android Launcher Lawnchair free ads
Image Credit: Lawnchair
I consider that this app is a development of Rootless Pixel with more features and more flexibility to manage. For now, I think Lawnchair is one of the best launchers you can try. I also use Lawnchair to change the default display of my smartphone.  
Get Lawnchair on F-Droid!

3. Pie Launcher

Pie Launcher
Image Credit: Markus Fisch
Are you a user who prefers a minimalist look? If so, then Pie Launcher can be an option to replace your smartphone's default launcher. The appearance of this launcher is very minimalist with a circular menu.
Get Pie Launcher on F-Droid!

4. Posidon Launcher

Posidon Launcher
Image Credit: Posidon
If you like the look of a launcher similar to One UI, you can try Posidon Launcher. Because these apps are inspired by the UI. The appearance is also simple and very suitable for users who like a minimalist screen display.
Get Posidon Launcher on F-Droid!

5. OLauncher

Olauncher launcher simple android launcher
Image Credit: Tanuj M
One of the launchers with a very simple appearance and no icon. In Olauncher, users will only see the name of the app in the app drawer. This launcher doesn't really block the wallpaper because it doesn't have an icon.
Get Olauncher on F-Droid!

6. Slim Launcher

Slim Launcher
Image Credit: Beautus S. Gumede
A very unique launcher. Slightly similar to Olauncher which does not use icons on the display offered. However, it looks very simple without any decoration. Users will only see the name of the application with a black wallpaper.

Get slim launcher on F-Droid!

7. T-UI Launcher

T-UI Launcher
Image Credit: Francesco Andreuzzi
In this launcher it looks like we are using the terminal on linux.
This launcher only displays text. In fact, to call apps we need to type the name of the application. If you often use the terminal on linux maybe you will like it. No wallpapers, no icons, just text and a keyboard to type commands on your android.
Get T-UI Launcher on F-Droid!

Hopefully useful and ENJOY!...