How to solved wxgtk error when upgrade on Archcraft Linux? - Fosslicious

Monday, July 25, 2022

How to solved wxgtk error when upgrade on Archcraft Linux?

When Typing update and upgrade commands, I got an error that there are some package conflicts if upgrading, and this error is from wxgtk. The system is say : remove wxgtk-common can breaks dependency wxgtk-common.


For more details,  look within the image below:


How to solved wxgtk error when upgrade on Archcraft Linux?
I was browsing to find a way to resolve the error. As it turns out, many other Linux users with Arch-derived distros have experienced the same thing. And to fix this is very easy. That is by removing the wxgtk2 package using the following command:

sudo pacman -R wxgtk2

If the package can't be removed because it's related to p7zip-gui. What I did was to remove the p7zip-gui app first with the command:

sudo pacman -R p7zip-gui

After the app package above was removed, I re-typed the upgrade command on Archcraft Linux:

sudo pacman -Syu
And, when there is a dialog like the image below, I type "y".

Upgrade package on Archcraft Linux After delete wxgtk that cause error

The package upgrade on Archcraft Linux is running successfully. May be useful.